Monday, May 28, 2012
A Message to the Women of Basketball Wives
A Message to the Women of Basketball Wives
Well this has been an eventful season. Full of immaturity, drama, bullying, bullsh*t and pure MESS!
You are fake as all hell. Right before the episode aired of you bullying Kesha, you sent out this phony, rehearsed apology to try and coerce the viewers into thinking you're a genuine person. We clearly see that right after the incident happened you felt no remorse and even went as far as continuing the verbal abuse against Kesha. This whole season you have been so hype to be in the "circle" and buddy buddy with Evelyn, that you kiss her azz & co-sign every thing she does. Probably because you're worse than she will ever be.You are 42 years old. Built like a linebacker. And a classless b*tch.
You are probably the most insecure person in a relationship that I have ever seen. Stop looking to Jen to accept your phony relationship. You preach *loyalty* every other second, but by you putting out a former friend's business because of a minor disagreement, it showed your true colors. You are just as fake and disloyal as you claim Jen is. It is not her fault you look like a hoe on the show. She was smart enough to do her business off the cameras. Your intention was to "expose" her.. Well you exposed yourself.
You seem like a good person deep, deep deep down inside. But because of your friendships with the hoodrats of the show, you feel as though you cannot speak up. But what kind of friendship is that if you can't let your friend know they are in the wrong? You are respected among these women and you don't use your voice for good. Instead you wait until after things happen and then you make catty comments. It's sad that people are even looking to you to babysit middle aged women. Hopefully the next project you do is far far away from anything Basketball Wives related. Because this show is a disgrace to women, you and anyone who has ever watched it.
I'm happy to see you coming out of your shell and coming into your own person. You have a silent strength that I respect and could never emulate. However, there are times when I wish you would just go off on a heaux. Some of the things that have been said and done to you this season are inexcusable and most people would have snapped by now. I'm hoping that you distance yourself from this show and pursue bigger & better things.
The youngest cast member with the most sense! You are never afraid to tell it like it is, and that is something I respect. I love the fact that you have pursued business ventures that you are passionate about. And while yes it's obvious that you are in love with being in love, you have stayed far away from the BS this season and have been doing your own thing. Kudos!
Girl! You seem like a sweet girl but you need to stand up for yourself more. I know when you have a belligerent quarterback hammering you it is hard to stand up, but sometimes you have to take a L and keep your dignity. You seem way too civilized and nice for this brawlic bunch, hopefully you leave this garbage show behind and pursue other ventures.
We all know you crazy! LOL. But I think you're a good crazy. You seem to not back down and you let your voice be heard. I respect the fact that you came into this situation and did not try to kiss the "inner circle"'s azz. You came in and you weren't really given a chance. But hopefully we see more of who you really are as time goes on.
You are probably the dumbest b*tch to ever grace television. You have absolutely no purpose, other than being a rat on this show. You are not respected by the women on the show nor are you respected by the viewers. You are fake. two-faced. And none of those faces are pretty. Hoe please just do us all a favor and leave television.. Never to return again.
This season is definitely the last Basketball Wives season I will watch. Disgust.
Monday, May 21, 2012
"Best Friend 101: True Definition of Loyalty" Recap of Basketball Wives Episode 14
Before I say anything, I just need to say.. Suzie could you be any more of a dumb b*tch? She took that conversation with Jennifer and made it sound as bad as she could. There really was no need for her to even repeat the conversation they had, but of course because she's overly anxious to be up Evelyn's azz, she will say whatever is necessary. And as far as Tami saying Jen "asked" Nia to slap her.. Kill yourself. Shaunie & Tami have clearly been on Evelyn's side since Day 1. Jennifer knows this, so why be fake and try to be all buddy buddy with them?
The only thing I want to really touch on when it comes to this episode is the "discussion" between Jennifer and Evelyn. Evelyn talks about loyalty in almost every breath. Loyalty is not.. as soon as you and your best friend get into a disagreement, you put all her business on blast to the world. That is NOT loyalty. The things that have been said and done between these two, there is no room for a "resolution" or "squashing" beef. I do not blame Jen for not wanting to have a talk with Evelyn, especially after everything that Evelyn has said and done to her.
I try to look at all situations from all sides. So I get that Evelyn felt hurt when Jennifer said unflattering things about Ochocinco in interviews. I get that Evelyn felt hurt when Jen said she doesn't date athletes in her blog. But what I don't get is why these things became a viable cause for all this anger & aggression directed towards Jen from Evelyn. Your friend doesn't have to love everyone you date. As long as Jenn never said anything negative about Evelyn, Evelyn had no right to be as vicious with Jen as she has been.
Evelyn seems like the type of chick who flips on her friends as soon as she gets upset with them. That is NOT loyalty. I was definitely on the bandwagon of "oh, I hope Jen & Ev become friends". At this point, I see no route for a reconciliation. Too much has been said and done. Maybe if Evelyn would admit that her feelings are hurt instead of trying to act all "hard" all the damn time, healing could take place.
I still don't see what Jen's sex life or "image" has to do with their friendship. Evelyn helped perpetuate Jen's innocent image by constantly talking about the cobwebs, dust etc. on Jen's pu**y. Evelyn needs to blame herself for the fact that she is seen as the show's hoe. Between f*cking Tami's husband and sleeping with Ochocinco on the first night, she made herself look like a hoe. Jen was smart enough to do her business OFF the show. I give her brownie points for that! At this point it is clear that Jennifer is over her friendship with Evelyn. As she should be.
The only thing I want to really touch on when it comes to this episode is the "discussion" between Jennifer and Evelyn. Evelyn talks about loyalty in almost every breath. Loyalty is not.. as soon as you and your best friend get into a disagreement, you put all her business on blast to the world. That is NOT loyalty. The things that have been said and done between these two, there is no room for a "resolution" or "squashing" beef. I do not blame Jen for not wanting to have a talk with Evelyn, especially after everything that Evelyn has said and done to her.
I try to look at all situations from all sides. So I get that Evelyn felt hurt when Jennifer said unflattering things about Ochocinco in interviews. I get that Evelyn felt hurt when Jen said she doesn't date athletes in her blog. But what I don't get is why these things became a viable cause for all this anger & aggression directed towards Jen from Evelyn. Your friend doesn't have to love everyone you date. As long as Jenn never said anything negative about Evelyn, Evelyn had no right to be as vicious with Jen as she has been.
Evelyn seems like the type of chick who flips on her friends as soon as she gets upset with them. That is NOT loyalty. I was definitely on the bandwagon of "oh, I hope Jen & Ev become friends". At this point, I see no route for a reconciliation. Too much has been said and done. Maybe if Evelyn would admit that her feelings are hurt instead of trying to act all "hard" all the damn time, healing could take place.
I still don't see what Jen's sex life or "image" has to do with their friendship. Evelyn helped perpetuate Jen's innocent image by constantly talking about the cobwebs, dust etc. on Jen's pu**y. Evelyn needs to blame herself for the fact that she is seen as the show's hoe. Between f*cking Tami's husband and sleeping with Ochocinco on the first night, she made herself look like a hoe. Jen was smart enough to do her business OFF the show. I give her brownie points for that! At this point it is clear that Jennifer is over her friendship with Evelyn. As she should be.
Where Was the Outrage For Meeka Claxton?
This new season of Basketball Wives (Season four) has been received with harsh criticism, new found disgust and utter disappointment, in the show & in some formerly beloved cast members. Former fan favorites, like Tami and Evelyn, are now arguably the most hated among viewers. Allegations of bullying, harassment and just plain old mean girl behavior have caused an uproar- leading to petitions, boycotts etc.
As fans we must ask ourselves this question: What has really changed about this show? I myself, am very guilty of criticizing this new season and deeming it the worst of all four. But really, if you really ponder, and look back, alot of the behavior is exactly the same as the last two seasons. Evelyn has always been a hot head, every season she has had beef with at least one girl on the show, and things almost always got physical. During Season 2, Tami was aggressive from the very beginning, threatening to beat Jen up over a food stamp comment and then hitting Evelyn in the face during a heated argument. Suzie has always been the instigator, Shaunie played the "innocent bystander" role, Jennifer was bougie and Royce has always been an outsider.
Meeka Claxton came along in Season 3 and immediately fans reacted negatively towards her. I and many others saw her as the "overly eager new girl". She seemed like she desperately wanted to fit in with Shaunie, Jen & Evelyn; she pursued this by instantly talking sh*t about Royce & Tami, who she perceived to be the outsiders. This tactic backfired on her when Tami & Evelyn became closer and Tami soon learned what Meeka had been saying about her to the others. This is probably the main reason why, when Tami berated her and then eventually slapped her, viewers were not outraged.
The bottom line is, No One Liked Meeka. So to see her get smacked brought joy to some people and others really didn't care. Looking back, it was definitely wrong, and Tami had no right to put hands on that girl.
Some argue that the Kesha Nichols situation is receiving so much attention because she's a little light skinned girl. But I honestly don't think skin color is playing a role in this situation. The difference between Meeka & Kesha is that, Nobody liked Meeka. So when you see someone you don't like get smacked, it will have a minimal effect on you. And two, Kesha is visibly scared of Tami. While Tami is yelling and going off, Kesha is sitting there almost silent and on the verge of tears. The girl is obviously defenseless, so when you have someone so much bigger than her yelling in her face, stealing her purse, going through her belongings etc., it just makes you so angry.
I have to say I see where everyone is coming from. Angry fans, critics, cast members. We all contributed to a lot of the mess by supporting and watching the show. But I also think it's never too late to take a stand and stop something that is not right from continuing.
As fans we must ask ourselves this question: What has really changed about this show? I myself, am very guilty of criticizing this new season and deeming it the worst of all four. But really, if you really ponder, and look back, alot of the behavior is exactly the same as the last two seasons. Evelyn has always been a hot head, every season she has had beef with at least one girl on the show, and things almost always got physical. During Season 2, Tami was aggressive from the very beginning, threatening to beat Jen up over a food stamp comment and then hitting Evelyn in the face during a heated argument. Suzie has always been the instigator, Shaunie played the "innocent bystander" role, Jennifer was bougie and Royce has always been an outsider.
Meeka Claxton came along in Season 3 and immediately fans reacted negatively towards her. I and many others saw her as the "overly eager new girl". She seemed like she desperately wanted to fit in with Shaunie, Jen & Evelyn; she pursued this by instantly talking sh*t about Royce & Tami, who she perceived to be the outsiders. This tactic backfired on her when Tami & Evelyn became closer and Tami soon learned what Meeka had been saying about her to the others. This is probably the main reason why, when Tami berated her and then eventually slapped her, viewers were not outraged.
The bottom line is, No One Liked Meeka. So to see her get smacked brought joy to some people and others really didn't care. Looking back, it was definitely wrong, and Tami had no right to put hands on that girl.
Some argue that the Kesha Nichols situation is receiving so much attention because she's a little light skinned girl. But I honestly don't think skin color is playing a role in this situation. The difference between Meeka & Kesha is that, Nobody liked Meeka. So when you see someone you don't like get smacked, it will have a minimal effect on you. And two, Kesha is visibly scared of Tami. While Tami is yelling and going off, Kesha is sitting there almost silent and on the verge of tears. The girl is obviously defenseless, so when you have someone so much bigger than her yelling in her face, stealing her purse, going through her belongings etc., it just makes you so angry.
I have to say I see where everyone is coming from. Angry fans, critics, cast members. We all contributed to a lot of the mess by supporting and watching the show. But I also think it's never too late to take a stand and stop something that is not right from continuing.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
5 Reality TV Stars Tami Roman Would NOT Try
5. Shaunie O'Neal- She is the creator of Basketball Wives and also the *ahem* head puppeteer *cough*.Tami would be putting her job in danger by messing with Ms. O'Neal. Not only is Shaunie an Executive Producer, she is also the leader of the wolf pack. By trying Shaunie, Tami would be most definitely out of the circle.
4. Jenni "J-Woww" Farley- As the toughest cookie on MTV's hit show, Jersey Shore, J Woww is a force to be reckoned with. She is known for her right hand hook, as viewers have seen demonstrated on her fellow cast members like The Situation and Sammi Sweetheart, as well as strangers, locals, chicks and dudes who got out of line at bars & nightclubs.
3. Tiffany "New York" Pollard- New York is the godmother of VH1 bad girls and made a career off being a bitch. Simply put. We first saw her on Flavor of Love, where she successfully pissed off and engaged in fights with almost all the women. She later on got her own show, self-titled I Love New York. Say what you want about New York, but she definitely always stood her ground and never backed down from any heaux. She was no one's friend and she made that clear.
2. Drita D' Avanzo- The Mob is in the building. Known as the undefeated fighter on VH1's Mob Wives, Drita is not a chick you want to rumble with. She seems to get pleasure from knocking heauxs out, and the fights on Basketball Wives don't even compare to the gritty brawls shown on Mob Wives.
1. Chrissy Lampkin- Love & Hip Hop's Chrissy Mayweather Lampkin has proven that she will two piece a heaux if she gets out of line. A Harlem native, Chrissy is from the streets and unlike most of these reality show stars, she really is about that life. I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar Tami Linebacker Roman would keep it nothing but cute of she ever got around Chrissy. If she ever were to try her, this would be a fight I would pay to see.
4. Jenni "J-Woww" Farley- As the toughest cookie on MTV's hit show, Jersey Shore, J Woww is a force to be reckoned with. She is known for her right hand hook, as viewers have seen demonstrated on her fellow cast members like The Situation and Sammi Sweetheart, as well as strangers, locals, chicks and dudes who got out of line at bars & nightclubs.
3. Tiffany "New York" Pollard- New York is the godmother of VH1 bad girls and made a career off being a bitch. Simply put. We first saw her on Flavor of Love, where she successfully pissed off and engaged in fights with almost all the women. She later on got her own show, self-titled I Love New York. Say what you want about New York, but she definitely always stood her ground and never backed down from any heaux. She was no one's friend and she made that clear.
2. Drita D' Avanzo- The Mob is in the building. Known as the undefeated fighter on VH1's Mob Wives, Drita is not a chick you want to rumble with. She seems to get pleasure from knocking heauxs out, and the fights on Basketball Wives don't even compare to the gritty brawls shown on Mob Wives.
1. Chrissy Lampkin- Love & Hip Hop's Chrissy Mayweather Lampkin has proven that she will two piece a heaux if she gets out of line. A Harlem native, Chrissy is from the streets and unlike most of these reality show stars, she really is about that life. I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar Tami Linebacker Roman would keep it nothing but cute of she ever got around Chrissy. If she ever were to try her, this would be a fight I would pay to see.
Monday, May 14, 2012
"I Have No Words" Recap of Basketball Wives 4 Episode 13
Lawd. This episode personifies everything that is wrong with BBW this season. The immaturity is at an all time, the bullying is at an all time high and the class/dignity is at an all time low. Kesha looks like she is about 5'2, and no more than 100 lbs.. HOW could she ever go toe 2 toe with a chick built like a quarterback and that drinks Bud Light for breakfast, lunch and dinner?? Kesha should have right in that moment clarified exactly what she said.. but can you blame the girl for being weary when she has a 300 pound sumo inches away from her frail face?!
Tami was dead ass wrong for taking that girl's purse and Kesha obviously felt helpless, resulting in her contacting authorities. NOW.. How dare Tami go through this girl's purse and phone? This would have been a perfect opportunity for Shaunie to FINALLY step in and put these heauxs in their place! You're in a position where you are respected by these women, I just hate how she never says anything! And just lets sh*t rock. And the notion that Kesha has to apologize to Tami is probably the most ridiculous thing ever said on this show.
The fish "prank". Omg so immature. So stupid. I can't even deal. I hope Kenya goes crazy on these heauxs.
Now Suzie has the audacity to go tell that chick to go apologize.. FOR WHAT?? TAMI IS WRONG! Suzie is so f*cking messy. She instigated this whole situation and she is the one person that needs to get her azz whooped. Tami wants to talk about someone being 30+.. Uh heffa you are 40+ acting like a toddler! Although I'm glad Evelyn and Shaunie showed sympathy.. they should have done MORE than that. They should have told Tami she was WRONG and doing the MOST!
Kesha should not have had to ask Tami for ANYTHING!! She took her property and she needed to return it. PERIOD. The fact that she MADE Kesha say "please" and "ask" for it back, shows the vile type of person she is.
Right before this episode, Tami issued out an apology via twitter and I actually thought it was genuine. But after watching this episode, I realize she knew what was to come and so therefore she knew she had to do some damage control. This episode was sad to say the least. Tami needs to stop trying to prove her "position" in this little circle on this show. I lost all respect for her after this episode. How are you a businesswoman and the founder of a young girls charity.. On National TV bullying a girl half your size.. U AIN'T ABOUT SHIT!
PS: This is the SECOND time Tami has brought in some racial sh*t. First time, it was Meeka was "too black" and now Kesha is not "black enough"... *Food For Thought*
Tami was dead ass wrong for taking that girl's purse and Kesha obviously felt helpless, resulting in her contacting authorities. NOW.. How dare Tami go through this girl's purse and phone? This would have been a perfect opportunity for Shaunie to FINALLY step in and put these heauxs in their place! You're in a position where you are respected by these women, I just hate how she never says anything! And just lets sh*t rock. And the notion that Kesha has to apologize to Tami is probably the most ridiculous thing ever said on this show.
The fish "prank". Omg so immature. So stupid. I can't even deal. I hope Kenya goes crazy on these heauxs.
Now Suzie has the audacity to go tell that chick to go apologize.. FOR WHAT?? TAMI IS WRONG! Suzie is so f*cking messy. She instigated this whole situation and she is the one person that needs to get her azz whooped. Tami wants to talk about someone being 30+.. Uh heffa you are 40+ acting like a toddler! Although I'm glad Evelyn and Shaunie showed sympathy.. they should have done MORE than that. They should have told Tami she was WRONG and doing the MOST!
Kesha should not have had to ask Tami for ANYTHING!! She took her property and she needed to return it. PERIOD. The fact that she MADE Kesha say "please" and "ask" for it back, shows the vile type of person she is.
Right before this episode, Tami issued out an apology via twitter and I actually thought it was genuine. But after watching this episode, I realize she knew what was to come and so therefore she knew she had to do some damage control. This episode was sad to say the least. Tami needs to stop trying to prove her "position" in this little circle on this show. I lost all respect for her after this episode. How are you a businesswoman and the founder of a young girls charity.. On National TV bullying a girl half your size.. U AIN'T ABOUT SHIT!
PS: This is the SECOND time Tami has brought in some racial sh*t. First time, it was Meeka was "too black" and now Kesha is not "black enough"... *Food For Thought*
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Inside the Basketball Wives Season 4 Reunion!!
Sooo the Basketball Wives Reunion was filmed yesterday in Los Angeles, CA and from what I heard.. it was GOOD!! On the right is a picture of the set that one of the audience members tweeted out.
Apparently all the ladies looked beautiful. Evelyn was rocking a thigh high skirt & Louboutins, Jennifer's hair was on point, she was in Valentino & wearing a Chanel necklace, Tami lost weight. Sources also say Evelyn must have gotten ass shots or implants because the cakes were on SWOLE!!
John Salley was the host for the 3rd year in a row, and in the beginning everyone was mean mugging. Jen apparently had bodyguards in each corner and she walked in with an entire entourage.
Now for the Rumor Report:
RUMOR: Royce and Tami get into a fight in the beginning, but were eventually able to squash beef.
RUMOR: Kenya and Evelyn get into it, & it gets HEATED!
RUMOR: Kenya lunges at Suzie
BIGGEST RUMOR: Evelyn and Jen squash beef!!
Of all the rumors the one I hope for most is that Kenya ROCKS Suzie!! She is the one person on the show I hope gets her azz beat because she deserves it for being such a kiss ass, phony and fake.
Apparently all the ladies looked beautiful. Evelyn was rocking a thigh high skirt & Louboutins, Jennifer's hair was on point, she was in Valentino & wearing a Chanel necklace, Tami lost weight. Sources also say Evelyn must have gotten ass shots or implants because the cakes were on SWOLE!!
John Salley was the host for the 3rd year in a row, and in the beginning everyone was mean mugging. Jen apparently had bodyguards in each corner and she walked in with an entire entourage.
Now for the Rumor Report:
RUMOR: Royce and Tami get into a fight in the beginning, but were eventually able to squash beef.
RUMOR: Kenya and Evelyn get into it, & it gets HEATED!
RUMOR: Kenya lunges at Suzie
BIGGEST RUMOR: Evelyn and Jen squash beef!!
Of all the rumors the one I hope for most is that Kenya ROCKS Suzie!! She is the one person on the show I hope gets her azz beat because she deserves it for being such a kiss ass, phony and fake.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
She's How Old?!: An Ode to Ageless Beauties
- Nelly Furtado, 33
- Alicia Silverstone, 35
- Rose Mcgowan, 38
- Nia Long, 41
- Gwen Stefani, 42
- Jennifer Lopez, 42
- Halle Berry, 45
- Jennifer Tilly, 53
Monday, May 7, 2012
"We in Tahiti Bitches" Recap of Basketball Wives, Episode 12

Tami needs to get a refund on those anger management sessions because she is not mentally mature enough to even participate!! She is a 41 year old woman acting like she deserves a reward for exhibiting self-control.. Hellooo You ARE OLD AS HELL! You should have developed those skills at age 5. Sad.
Is it me or do those scenes with Evelyn and Ochocinco seem a tad bit staged? Like who goes to bed with a full face of make-up??--MOVING ON!
The "Fabulous" trip to Tahiti.. *rolls eyes*. Lawd where do I even start?? First of all, Tami started with Kesha from the very beginning. Tami is a little bit too excited to have finally made it into the "inner circle", and is trying to exercise her new mean girl authority over Kesha. I would expect this behavior from little girls in middle school but not an Overgrown, mother of 2! Tami is also incredibly fake when it comes to Jen.. She keeps saying she's "neutral" and "not picking sides".. Bitch! You done picked sides from the very beginning! Maybe YOU would allow someone to hit you and get away with it, but for smart people, they know hitting someone financially is a WAY worse revenge than fighting them physically. And as for Evelyn making Jen "relevant".. Tami YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THESE GIRLS!! You met them two years ago.. So what do you know about who made who relevant?? I'm 100% sure Jen would be JUST fine if she never met Evelyn.
And why was Tami mad that Kesha was asking the girls questions?? Are you mad because you were married to a mediocre basketball player and you have NOTHING TO SHOW for it? That whole issue with Kesha & Tami is so petty and unnecessary. Suzie is a two-faced, messy whore.. Why would you take anything she says as valid information. Tami knew damn well Kesha wasn't going to fight back so all that rah-rah, big talk was unimpressive at the most!! Again if Shaunie was a true friend, she would have told Tami too CHILL OUT! But we all know Shaunie waits until after blows are thrown to try and "stop it", IF she even does THAT MUCH!
In conclusion.. These chicks are immature, fake and MESSY!!
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